Tom co-founded Inner Guide Expeditions knowing the intrinsic richness in the exploration of both the inner and outer worlds. Wilderness adventures are the perfect place to grow. When people are a little outside of their comfort zone, they are more open to experience life in new ways and see from different perspectives. “Comfort and growth…”, he says, “…rarely take up the same time and place.” Add “play” into the mix, along with the depth of connection, and you have a winning combination reflecting both the breadth and the richness of the human experience.
When people feel truly seen, accepted, and appreciated for the individual they are, their confidence grows and they develop freedom to move through life in an engaged and inspired way. One of Tom’s gifts is creating and developing tight-knit, high-trust relationships. He builds communities through adventures that bring out the best in people while helping them to find confidence on their most inspired path.
Tom draws his passion from a rich background in leadership and education. He has taught in both public and private schools, as well as at the college level, and has significant experience in the field of wilderness therapy, working with at-risk youth, mentoring teens, parent coaching, life coaching, and athletic coaching. He spent years facilitating on challenge courses in addition to building and inspecting them, and training others how to safely get the most out of them. He runs leadership development programs for teens, and develops & facilitates rites of passage. Tom holds a B.S. in Speech Communications and International Relations and a Master’s in Experiential Education,
When he is not facilitating or teaching, Tom spends his time playing on adventures and enriching his life by attending workshops for personal growth, backpacking or hiking with his dogs, skiing, mountaineering, traveling, or taking long, multi-week motorcycle rides, alone or with the best of friends.