The Magic Begins

praise for
Inner Guide Expeditions
…it's my last term in high school before I graduate now and I want to thank you so much for everything you taught me. Right before I went into high school I went on the trip to the North Cascades… You provided me an experience that taught me so much about being grateful and in touch with myself. I didn't know it, but I had been in denial for so long about how I felt about myself and everything around me until you made an effort to reach in and help me see how I felt. The trip to Iceland and Mont Blanc was incredible. I will never forget the day when we had to write in our journals about the prompt 'if someone really knew me....' that journal entry was like an out of body experience where I really delved into who I am and how I feel. When I feel lost, I always re-read what I wrote in that entry. I really want you to know that I am a better person because of the safe and fun environment you created on these trips.